Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Full Restoration

Please 'reference' blog 'An Excellent Marriage' Because it exists in all levels and in all realms:

Prenuptial Agreement Sample - PrenuptialAgreements.org

Monday, July 30, 2012

Full Restoration

Amazing Organization!

Full Restoration

Because I'm the voice of those that dont have one, being silenced & asked to submit for so long with no understanding, knowledge or true revelation of what I was really living:  how do you evangelize the promiscous, rebellious, anorexic, bolemic teenager who has no hope if you dont 'get it'?

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Full Restoration

Christianese please!!!:  Walking in the spirit to show there is grace, mercy and restoration for soon to be divorcees and fulfilling Judges 16:31 because Samson was a figure of Christ for All those mini Christ

Full Restoration

Full Restoration

Thank you to All My Family, Friends & Communities for Believing, Helping  Hearing, Directing me by using All your Gifts and talents to keep me focused on fullfilling my goals/quota @233% & more: 1. Prove there is a True & Living God 2. New Marriage 3. Kids  4. Church. 5. Career/School

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Full Restoration

Thank you all for your thoughtful, intelligent, educated, professional, and careful analysis with 101% accuracy.  My life continues to be in full restoration mode with various experiments to come to the proper conclusions in order to build as a complete professional community that we are.

The guinea pig - Wiki Sumaq Peru

Full Restoration

OMG! The challenge continues who gets the girl.  Right when he thought he had her, he lost her.  So he gets to conquer until he gets her!!! Watching 'Just Friends'. ha ha ha!

Full Restoration

To give a reason for...

Full Restoration

Thank you Everybody for looking out for my best intetest!  It does Not go un noticed and I implore everyone to discern please before you post, write, speak, judge please live it, get it, know,understand and discern exactly with 101% accuracy how you are contributing to 'karin's' full restoration.

Full Restoration

I think it is time to get my 'bounce' and this time  'it is' and 'always will be' B-)
A dedication to Rosanna 'que casa los' lobos:

What came first the chicken or the egg?

Who are the angels in the churches?

If I was Tamar in the Bible: ( what why who where)

Why did Samson speak in riddles

Where did God leave the 99 to get the one and is that one a friend or an enemy

Friday, July 27, 2012

Fully Restored

Thank you Everybody for looking out for my best intetest!  It does Not go un noticed and I implore everyone to discern please before you post about 'me', or write, speak, judge please walk and live, know,understand and discern exactly with 110% accuracy how you are contributing to my full restoration.

Overcoming Life's Circumstances

Christians in Hollywood and the creating of a reality show.


Thursday, July 26, 2012

Full Restoration

Thanking you for reaching out through emails and being a part of All the Major communities.  You have inspired me in the saying "The making of a Great man is a Great woman".  I believe you can make an amazing impact on 'immigration reform' and 'freedom of speech through technology'.

First Lady Michelle Obama | The White House

Full Restoration

How does the Christian community reach the teens, and the youth in an 'outreach'?  Please explain Paul"s quote ' ...I have been All things to All people...'

Wild Print Dresses: Blogger Fashion Trend: Trendspotting: teenvogue.com

Full Restoration @ All levels

Thank you for the information!  A great resource for business owners!


Full Restoration

Keeping my goal in sight because it is very desirable!

Purist. The new Cayenne GTS.

Full Restoration

In a continued answer to prayer after a bump on the road to a full restoration, I continue and I will fulfill 'God works 'Everything' for good to All those who are called according to His purpose and love Him.  I love my Heavenly Father the most and no one will snatch Him from first place in my heart and because there is hope in Christ and it is the fullness of the Holy Spirit that keeps us in His will! 

Karin Spencer

Thank God for your organization and your awesome outreach programs for the youth.


Karin Spencer

Thank you for the Latina Women's Information.  Greatful to God for an open forum that is easily accessable.

✔ Latin Business Association Business Networking LBA Group For Latino Companies

✔ Latin Business Association Business Networking LBA Group For Latino Companies

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Full Restoration

Motivational for sure

Thank you Marie for sharing!

Full Restoration continues

Awesome Liberation came to my house this morning, after a full night of listening to Apostle Sergio Enriquez, Ministerios Ebenezer Guatemala and prayer with Liz!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Keeping it Real

Watching & listening joycemeyer.org pharisees & hypocrites?  Oh oh!  Self examining - I will be humble and run to my church and covering because I am a woman under authority and need constant revelation in Christ and gentle correction.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Fully Restored

Listening to JCTV.  Enjoying life like joycemeyer.org talks about.  I am also enjoying my college kids they are awesome and brilliant!

The right perspective

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Fully Restored

Home base and really tired.  I bid all my family, friends and communities good night.   Thank you all for protecting me, believing in me and helping the damsel in distress.  I love you all and I am moved to tears because God has moved all your hearts to understand me through wisdom and intelligence!

New Business Owners

Buying Buying Buying

Honoring an amazing company.  'I love your speed!'  And yes, of course, thanking God, the one and only for you!

Home - Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG

Honoring ou righteouss and merciful servants

Honoring my beloved US department and I thank God for you.  I love your Christianese!

FBI — Homepage

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Restoring to aid All Citizen's Needs

I was very happy to see you at LA Largest Mixer and have the opportunity to speak to you.  I am Greatful to God for the amazing job you are doing.

US Immigration Services - US Citizenship, Green Card & US Visa Forms

A transformed young and vibrant lady

Because I grew up with my brother Sal and all his friends and did all the things guys typically do and God in His amazing power has transformed into the Latina Barbie with strong intellectual traits!

Just Jared - Zoe Saldana: I Was A 'Feminine Tomboy'


Delighted to hear from the one and only Disney!  Thanking God for the opportunity.  We will be working with them on their desires and needs.

The Walt Disney Studios

Undoing the knot of shame

Arise my my family, friends, neighbors and communities and help to usher in this new young generation of anything goes and address the Christians accepting the prodigals at every level where they have been around promiscuity and also ushering in the ones in the highways and byways. 'no more shame', Beth Moore

Beth Moore - Living Proof Ministries

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Full Restoration

Watching being delivered from the knot of shame.  Awesome teaching the liberation of shame.

Beth Moore - Living Proof Ministries

Karin Spencer

Loving the talk show on The Word.  Thanking God for you.

Dare to Be a Man: The Truth Every Man Must Know and Every Woman Needs to Know About Him

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Karin Spencer

Home base and thanking all the men that have been amazing in making me be 'me' and helping 'me' to look to an awesome and bright future as the woman God has allowed me to 'be'.

Karin Spencer

Watching live from Washington DC! on Daystar.  President John Hagee blessing and praying for Israel!

Christians United for Israel

Fufilling All my goals

Blessings & Greetings to Everyone thanking you for All the Awesome ideas and thoughts about my future marriage, directing me with proper courtship, motivation on keeping a balance and lastly discerning who will be the 'one'.  I am still under the weather pretty much bed ridden,  but I am only giving myself one day.  I am limiting my calls because I have no voice just for a few days.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Called for a time such as this

Listening via Church channel.  Thanking Everyone!  Praise God and for you, Joel and Victoria Osteen.  You both truly do fulfill what I have called you 'the polished Christian'.


joel osteen - Google Search

Asian Community

Because it is time now for my asian Christian community to arise.  I praise God for them sending my Love in Christ!

About - Kong Hee Ministries

Christian Courtship

Thanking God for you, the motivation, confirmation for me and reminded that God does turn our 'mess into a message' and the new marriages, engagements abd coutships 'before the rapture' highlighted. Also remembering www.joycemeyer.org in your quote.

The Church Channel - A New Digital Network From TBN, the Leader in Religious Television

The Church Channel - A New Digital Network From TBN, the Leader in Religious Television

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Following Joyce Meyer: Enjoying Life

I am at home base and greatful to everyone for receiving me  in a righteous way tgrough all methods in perdon, phone calls, emails and texts thinking only the best of me and testifying of my Christian character.  I have Not changed except that I am trying to find the balance.in everything as a 'true' woman of God.  I am in love with Christ and I continue now with even more fervor loving people and life because I have learned to love myself now.

Keeping My Christian Testimony without blemish

Wow, watching, hearing beware of ravenous wolves.  They have a lot of truth and with little tweaks.  Thw wolves are after youroney, your praise and your purity.  Samson's consecration was lost little by little.  Do Not mess around in the 'gray areas'.  No grapes, no carcass, no delilahs.  The Holy Spirit left Samson and he did not know.  Oh Oh!  Examining myself!  I am now exiting gray areas!


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

karin spencer

'A hope of voice' from www.cbn.com Am I dateable? A test that I praise God has been affirmed and confirmed over four year process. 'Love God first then love yourself'...
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karin spencer

Watching a service right now, Trusting God and walking directed by the Holy Spirit also Believing Him for His provision, protection, promises by Loving through God's love (casting out fear, panic and depression). http://www.jctv.org/flashindex.php
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