Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Eric Satchwill\Karin Spencer

Because it is being written as we live it And since the question is asked daily And opportunities surface at all times in every place while Eric Satchwill\Karin Spencer ¶sales & marketing¶ are being molded Karin Spencer\Eric Satchwill are NOT looking to have a relationship with anyone else except each other because Eric Satchwill\Karin Spencer are #1 (one):spiritually;sexually;physically;virtually... Eric Satchwill\Karin Spencer are declared to be married when they decide accordingly in the way;time they decide to proceed!!

Competition in sales and marketing karin spencer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Saturday, October 20, 2012

After The Restoration And Moving Forward In Christ As I Am Now

To honer GOD\ME Apostol Sergio & Leti Enriquez prodigy of Apostol & MD Othoniel Rios Paredes and my declared status as their spiritual daughter, it was declared that the predictions of the mayans was incorrect according to our GOD And therefore you see Guatemala;Pasadena California celebrating.  So I continue in my roles with the hope;promise of being A wife to be;founder of ministerios ebenezer usa & continuing to operate in the same role and all other active business networking roles;education;career etc!!

2012 Mayan Predictions - End of World - 2012 Doomsday?

Monday, October 15, 2012

A rain check for the F series but please tell me when??

Because Predestination is a reality through my life

Because I heard you and I already knew.  So the strategy for you to us will be to ask 'me';then...And run again!!  We will be there God\ME Eric Satchwill\Karin Spencer by willingness by grace;mercy;favor


Mitt Romney for President | Mitt Romney for President of the United States of America in 2012

Eric Satchwill & Karin Spencer

From me to you and and excellent way to copyright and self publish how you been folliwing me??
Goals for Karin Spencer
1)  Continue under the declared;stated;Real Physical;Real Virtual relationship husband to be:  Eric Satchwill
2)  Continue as the Directors\Founders if USA Ministerios Ebenezer  & Canada incorporating all the churches that are in existance;will be and exist virtual Like Ministerios Ebenezer Moreno Valley.
3)  Manage in conjunction with Eric Satchwill all in all that is under our responsabilities globally:  Estrenar;Cars for Causes;National Association of Sales & Marketing Exrcutives;Calvary Chapel Tel Aviv and everything else...
4)  Finish school (law degree);Continue social networking and start career with the help of my friends in Hollywood!!
5)  Continue to excell in everything my devlared progressive Christianity & Doctrine;Super Body w/all progressive gifts (private\proprietary)
6)  Influence\Motivate Mitchell & Matthew Spencer
7)  Increase in everything Everywhere with for love;honor; with hugs kisses to all from a spiritual daughter/sister/friend desiring everyone to excel in #1 gifts/talents etc. and wishing the absolute best and succes for all!!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Moving in Christ filled with the Holy Spirit & bringing the prodigals back

To move forward and get the funding lets learn from the Founders vision Chuck Smith and how he cut the Red Tape from government to accomplish fulfill what is a predestined ministry that did indeed influence Apostol and Dr. Othoniel Rios Paredes and my role as director/incorporator in Calvary Chapel Tel Aviv and my association with LK & Associates who I have an outstanding and existing business relationship with:

Calvary Chapel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Because sales & marketing go together this is Karin Spencer's and Eric Satchwill's Association together implementing our own individual and customized strategies for all companies we represent globally so we are indeed copywriting as we post for good;to benefit all in all in everything we post everywhere because we are the best;biggest;fastest and we fulfilled it to the 'T' @ 333% so follow us for you for our future generations pay it to them!!

Moving Forward after the Victory & The Funding Celebrate 2012

Because our lives will never be 100% private Eric Satchwill\Karin Spencer are indeed declared boyfriend and girlfriend an we are true to our words;promises and all the companies we represent President Obama for the predestined Victory 2012;Rusnak;ministerios ebenezer usa;Aveda;Estrenar; etc... Like Karin Spencer\Eric Satchwill have declared;wrote;promised we will marry when we deem it is time and in the mean time we see each other as we please within our social lives and in an open 'bachelor's' party setting before the wedding as is customary everywhere for everyone standing behind who we represent globally responsibly and because it is indeed our right to do so!!

Moving Forward!!

To address for the experts for you to me and US lets stop all in all the frivolous law suits please tell me;write through Facebook because my awesome programmers have my back!!

Friday, October 5, 2012

In Victory with Funding and in Joy

God\ME & Eric Satchwill directs & Karin Spencer follows and lastly to answer all the details of all the questions:  I am on God's good graces according to what He places in.peoples hearts to do and the desires of my heart according to God's riches in Glory to Honor My Heavenly Father!!!!!

In love with Eric Satchwill completely deeply and profoundly 3 trinity

Come for the test drive and year end specials!!