Sunday, September 2, 2012

New Generations through Mitchell and Matthew full asdit to completeness

Because we all need reminders;instructions;directions:

Let us continue with the chain of command always on with full and complete assist at all levels in all realms because your firstborn couple has indeed reached status complete and direct at the same level upon marriage in December:

Will you be there??

Let's honor Almighty God who brought everything with everyone in all things everywhere together for His Glory to prove that He is an Everlasting;Everknowing;All Powerful God who is able to do exceedingly and abundantly all that we ask of Him if we believe it declare it and not doubt it at 101% for all in all...
Let us begin now with Mitchell and Matthew because like them there are no others completely irreplaceable abd to the completeness of your existance and future if all in all: help them Restore because they are yours to honor to assist to help to usher in all new generations for a multicultural;multisocietal;multidimensional;multidisciplinal;multigenerational;multicultural victory;prosperity for all in all...If you honor Mitchell and Matthew and Restore you Honor Restore yourselve in anything anywhere wit everyone everywhere.  Lets all Rise giving God the #1 of #1 place to direct us and declare it because it just begun!!

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