Sunday, August 19, 2012

Full & Complete Restoration Phase IV

Self analyzing based on all your Professional;Christian;careful and completely calculated thoughts;comments;suggestions;directions;instructions.  Being a first long term divorce stemming from a double life due to orientation I suggest an enpowerment from the top down to address all future cases:

1)  Empower state;county;city agencies;churches to address cases as such also including all women going through divorces especially long term
a)  place in job/school retraining; counseling
b)  assist children in proper counseling/placement within scope of needs
c)  address the partner choosing orientation to disengage through counseling and complete divorce proceeding in the best possible manner
d)  address community through tv series;movies retrain communities to be ready to address in a manner of rebuilding and restoring

There will be more to follow!!!

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