Thursday, August 23, 2012

New Beginnings Continue;Expand;Extend

And to answer concerns from everyone everywhere about anything:  I have claimed to be a Christian for 20 years but really I have only recently woken up to truly understand it somewhat and live it for the past 4 1/2 years and differentiate between intense legalism to legalism to moderate legalism to just being in Christ working through my salvation in reverence to God making all the mistakes;errors;learning;growing gaoning wisdom;understanding;knowledge.  As I live and breath:I am a Christian in Christ with awesome new perspectives for everyone in a multigenerational;multicultural;multisocietal world.  I am greatful of what I have gone through because it is through all of it I am now an excellent example with a brand new life:marriage:church:family& communities & friends:career:businesses:school:non profit:

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