Thursday, August 30, 2012

How much would it cost to bring back Michael Jackson?
And Today?
How much was he worth was he altered did he look the same or did he plastic surgery?
How about legends and geniuses Einstein would you bring him back if you could? 
How much would you pay?
how much would you pay for him not to have passed and how much do you believe Whitney Houston sang as good as she did?
was it really her voice? is it an insult to all her fans to even ask?
please tell me who can resurrect the dead?
has there been only?
and many other mysteries?
you have believed to this point in me because you have seen it evidenced
and to your honored me yet
and you see it materiaize
why did you not believe me when i told you i need to eat daily food like i need to be intimate daily sex i was built for it. 
so now we have our results and I need to restbecause i ferl ill and alliw my body to instruct me
I am packed ready to move out not much to pacl only clothes
so we wil now complete our assignments with childlike faith beieving in the same cause President Obama to win God loves the homosexuals and Eric and Karin live together.  We will all move quickly to achieve.....yes please say it let us just move forward achieve complete hugs yes forgiveness and a kiss to eric and holy kisses to ME and God.

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