Wednesday, August 22, 2012

New Beginnings Continue;Expand;Extend

For everyone that keeps;inquiring;asking I have been at the same energy since I was 14 years old All with the same priorities.  I was built;made;to fulfill accomplish All in All.  There is a purpose for my life in my genetics;personality and In Christ my powers and energy have multiplied.  Everything I need to exist must continue in the same manner as I wad when I was married except now I will be enjoying my life with my #1 guy in this order:
1)  God - Heavenly Father
2)  Marriage #1 guy ( personal lives integrated;exercise;social lives;interindependent)
3)  College kids - example distant instructio
4)  Church ME;Calvary Chapel
5)  Career
6)  Businesses
7)  Non Profit
8)  Travel

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